Chili Rasbora(Boraras Brigittae)- Can they live with Betta Fish?

Betta Fish News Medium Club
2 min readJun 24, 2021

Many know about the secondary name of the betta fish, as they are commonly called “Siamese fighting fish”. What most don’t know is that betta can live peacefully with many breeds of fish and plants.

But the million dollar question is, can they live with the ever popular Chili Rasbora fish?

Chili Rasboras

The chili rasbora fish is a small, mild and quite a peaceful fish that can live with other similar fish and small shrimp species.

These fish are becoming quite popular because of their harty nature and their tiny size.

Mosquito Rasbora

Some like to call the Chili Rasbora a mosquite rasbora as the natural habitat of the chili are basically mosquito breeding grounds.
They are also known by their scientific name boraras brigittae,

Can Chili Rasbora Live with Bettas?

Lets get to it. Are chilis and bettas buddies. In short, yes, yes they are!
They can live together in the same tank with a few tweaks here and there. They are remarkably similar in their tank needs, and both dont view each other as a real threat.

Boraras Brigittae

For a more in depth review of the Chili Rasbora, please check out the full article here:

Thanks for reading! For more information, please visit:

Written by Tom Baxter, Betta Fish News



Betta Fish News Medium Club

Tom Baxter has spend decades keeping and learning about Betta fish. He loves the challenges and joys he has learned about and shares on